The Scottish Society for Crop Research (SSCR) and Bulrush Horticulture Ltd are holding a joint Information Day and Soft Fruit Winter Meeting at the Inchture Hotel, Perthshire on 18 February 2016. The day is free and open to anyone in the soft fruit industry and other interested parties. BASIS and NRoSO points have been applied for and will be available to attendees on the day.
Registration and coffee is from 9.30am and there will be various opportunities throughout the day to visit the trade stands. Lunch and refreshments will be provided free of charge
Full programme of talks and trade stands below.
09:30 Registration / Coffee and view trade stands
10:15 Introduction and welcome
10:25 P4 – Responsible sourcing of growing media – an overview
Paul Alexander and Neil Bragg, Bulrush Horticulture
10:55 SSCR project: Spotted Wing Drosophila and 2015 update
Alison Dolan and Gaynor Malloch, the James Hutton Institute
11:15 SSCR project: Thermal imaging as a non-destructive method to detect root rot stress in raspberry
Dominic Williams, the James Hutton Limited
11:30 Current blueberry developments and how they can translate towards a UK cherry model
Susan McCallum and Julie Graham, the James Hutton Institute
11:50 New developments in nutrition
David Marks, Omex Agriculture
12:20 Questions for morning session speakers
12:30 Lunch, view trade stands
13.30 Strawberry breeding at EMR
Adam Whitehouse, East Malling Research
13.55 New developments in tunnel films
Les Lane, XL Horticulture
14:15 SSCR project: Feeding our foes
Carolyn Mitchell, the James Hutton Institute
14:25 An update from the RBC raspberry breeding programme
Nikki Jennings, James Hutton Limited
14:45 SSCR project: Above and belowground interactions in agro-ecosystems: an ecological network approach
Peter Orrell, the James Hutton Institute jointly with Newcastle University
15:00 AHDB funded research in soft fruit
Scott Raffle, AHDB
15:20 Questions for afternoon session speakers
15:30 Honeyberry - the world's tastiest secret is now in Scotland
Stewart Arbuckle, P A Arbuckle & SOns and Logie Cassell, LoveHoneyberry
15:45 View trade stands and depart
Trade stands
Agralan Ltd |
Brinkman UK Ltd |
Bulrush Horticulture |
Clydesdale Trading Society |
Fargro Ltd |
James Hutton Group |
LoveHoneyberry |
Omex Agriculture |
Ripple Aquaplast |
XL Horticulture |
This event is free of charge but attendees are requested to pre-register so that sufficient catering can be provided.
Please confirm your attendance by no later than 11 February 2016 to:
Pam Cassidy
Events Co-ordinator
The James Hutton Institute
Dundee DD2 5DA
Tel: 01382 568 751